Hallo Liebe Familie!!!
This last week has been better than the last, still lots of
things stretching me and some more trials to overcome, but I am constantly
given tender mercies!!
Montag: We went to Checkpoint Charlie and Bernaur Strasse-
which has a lot of the wall still up, and the infamous "Dead Zone"-
with the watch tower and everything still there. Checkpoint Charlie was about a
5 minute stop as we took a pic at the booth, and left! Ha, expept we had a
creeper dude start to follow us and want to take us to pub... after some
evasive manuvering and hanging out at Domino's Pizza for a few minutes, we lost
him. Haha
Dienstag: Had lots of things fall out, so we went by lots of
contacts, enjoyed the rain!
Mittwoch: Had a lesson with a less active named Happiness,
she is from Ghana. And in our lesson, she started telling me how she thought I
was sick, needed to leave her apartment, and that she feels we have
misunderstandings. But turns out it was just part of one big long story of what
she told her daughter the other day... hahaha, her stories are the hardest to
Donnerstag: Had 3 lessons and Distrikt Findin- one of our
lessons was with an investigator named Birgül, whom we haven't really had
contakt since December! So that was exciting! She has muslim ties, but isn't
associated with them anymore; loves that Christ is coming again, and loves that
we have relief society!
Frietag and Samstag: Worked lots while the rain continued to
pour and visited lots of less actives and potentials! We really need some new
people in our teaching pool, so we're doing all we can to make that happen!
Sonntag: super busy, but great! We taught the Gospel
Principles class-again-ha, and ate at the Bishop's house after!! Love our ward!
This next week we have another tausch- or exchange with the
STLs, and have Zone Training Meeting on Saturday!! Lots going on, but it is
I have learned that the Lord has given me the ability to do
the impossible. As he does with all of us. It has become so true in small ways
on my mission, especially as a trainer now. I have finally learned this week
how to give this work and this area over to the Lord. I have been focusing at
times as just how hard it is, and all of the impossible things I feel I have to
do. And I wanted at a time to carry that burden all on myself because I thought
I needed to. But as I have prayed for more guidance and support, I have truly
felt my burden lifted and now I'm beginning to see the tasks as trainer as
possible. Yes, there are things I'm always working on and will never do just
perfect- but they are so possible! The Lord has strengthened me especially this
last week in this calling, and I am finding more joy in it each and every day.
And I know that there would be no possible way that I could do this by myself!
Thanks for all you do family!
- our friendly investigator Achim gave us both 10 euros at
the end of our lesson to go get some coffee- after refusing to take it, he
shoved it in my hand, and about 12 inches from my face said, 'Go, get a coffee,
and think of me. MUAH!' And gave a big air kiss to me. Hahaha oh boy.
-After English class we got into a discussion with the
elders about different punishments we received as children. And Elder
Spangenberg said, "Did your parents ever drop you off?".... no.. ." Like, on the side of the road or
anything? Yeah, it happened like 10 times." Haha, his childhood was a lot
different from mine!
Liebe Immer,
Sister Titensor
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