Monday, December 29, 2014

Layers upon layers upon layers!

Hallo Liebe Familie!!

This past week seemed to be a fast one with great expiences, with some frozen toes to boot. Let me just say- It's COLD! Wowee, "I can't go back... it's so cold!" Haha. (Canadian Border Patrol).
It was a lovely 5 degrees C., but then it dropped to a bitter -1 C, which is about 28 degrees F, I think? And the gift of Germany wind came too. It's fun though, gives us lots of bonding opportunities and gets us to our appointments faster.

Well, it being the last week of the transfer, things were a little crazier. I hit my one-month-in-Germany mark! Woot woot!
Last Monday we had a huge Zone Turkey Bowl, North Berlin vs. South Berlin. The president played with us in the cold rain, and had fun pushing us over and switching teams every play. It was seriously so fun, once we got the feeling in our bodies back.
We had an appointment with a sweet frau that night named Birgul, she's a young mom and we've not been able to meet with her until now. She's now a new investigator, and has tons of faith and seems to believe a lot of the same things we do, with her previous Muslim background.
Tuesday was service, and taught our english class to one of our newer members Fred. He's an awesome African, and his whole family.

Then Wednesday we had an amazing lesson with Wichian, who is our investigator who wants to know the answers to everything in our gospel. Wants to read all the manuals, all the books, before he really decides. And he went to the Young Adult activity to the temple, where he walked around and bought TONS at the store. He came with it all, and had bought 3 DVDS; true to the faith, lesson manuals, temple prep books, the whole shabang. We were sooo happy and impressed! And he had already watched an hour long BOM history movie. Wow. So we're excited about his increasing interest and progression.

Donnerstag was super busy! We had a Mittagessen Termin with a member. She's adorable, and had some funny comments and some intersting concerns about the world, and the people in our ward... Ha, we shared a message about loving everyone and just trying to serve. We don't know if that made it worse or not.. but I think it was the right thing to share. :)

Then we had finding later in the day, and found 2 people to visit again! That was a success! Considering how cold it was, that they stopped and talked to us! And the best success strategy with finding so far- talk about families! Everyone loves it, especially the Germans. We'll start with a power statement, like "We believe families can be together forever" And it catches their attention. Boo ya!

Friday was full of fallen out appointments, but we made an amazing scripture/ advent calendar for an investigator to reminder her to read. And it was a really good time to spend with a newer convert named Marina, who doesn't have much family nearby. She's the coolest and it ended up being a really cool day. And being the sweetheart she is, after our appointment fell out, she took us to the mall for 10 minutes and bought us santa hats! Haha, how cool is that?

Saturday we had dienst, working on this Zeplin tower again. We basically demolished the roof and walls that had insulation in them. To Sister Stacey's delight, we found some mice skulls and old nests that have been there for.. who knows how long. Ha, it was fun to get all dirty and enjoy my companion being hilarious. After, we had to make a train to an appointment. And the member, who's project this is, offered to drive us all back to the Bahnhof. But all he had was his big van, that has the one row in the front. So we grabbed two old white plastic chairs, stuck them in the back of the van, and the elders sat in the front. Ha, talk about fun! Haha, we were laughing our heads off the whole time. Not knowing where we were going, falling over, feeling a little like hostages... haha.
Then we had the most amazing lessons. One with this 18 yr. old Celina, who is going to be baptized the 20th of this month! We gave her the last lesson, and helped her with concerns of doubt, and wondering if she's ready. I felt the spirit really strong, and testified to her that as we would always be here for her, that most importantly her Father in Heaven would always be. And it was just a really amazing, edifying lesson. Celina commented on how loved and uplifted she always felt when we came. And I know that isn't just because of me. :)
Later that night we had another lesson with a 15 yr. old member Vanessa and her grandma. Again, she commented on the light that was in the room as we visited, and told us an amazing experience she had with prayer that day. Wow, that's what being a missionary is all about. Knowing that we could help give light to another is the best feeling ever.

Sunday we picked up two sisters, one of whom is going home this week. They're staying with us for two nights, and seeing Berlin while they're here! It's too fun, it's like the best sleep over ever.

I think one of the major things I've learned this week is the power of the Holy Ghost and just how much it can really help and influence others around us.

The work continues onward! Even in the cold. ;)
Liebe Immer,
Sister Titensor

- There are famous people look a likes everywhere, the other day we saw Johnny Depp on the bus, with his hair in a short ponytail, drinking his beer. It was great. I quietly sang "yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me..." while he was riding the bus. haha
- We had fun rocking out to David Archuleta's Christmas songs this week, we may have gotten a little loud for the neighbors.
- Best Sister Stacey quote of the week: " Oh no, I don't know what to do!!! I just dropped a cube of butter in the toaster!" Haha

p.s. you can check the mission blog, germanyberlinmission, for fun pics too. They have the piano guys picture of us all!

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