Thursday, April 14, 2016

Home Sweet Home!!

Hey folks- I thought this time would never come... but I'm home!
What a crazy life shift this is!!
 I'm a normal person now. Whatever that means! Ha, it's hard to fully describe the emotions of coming home from something so wonderful and so incredibly fulfilling!! Not to say that normal life isn't- it completely is! It's just different than missionary work, and it's supposed to be that way. We aren't supposed to serve missions for our whole lives. They are 18 months to 2 years for a reason! Because that's the time the Lord set aside for His missionaries, to learn the things they need to learn, to serve His children, and come closer to Him.
This time at home is now another phase- intended to again help us grow. If you're anything like me, hearing the words, "It'll help you grow" tend to make me cringe. We don't want whats hard, naturally! But I mean, how else would we know that eating a lot of desserts would make our body crash and burn without experiencing it first hand?

Ok, a silly example, I know. Bear with me.

Haha, we all have to find out ourselves, through our own experience in order to grow and improve ourselves. And that includes our physical health as well!

All I'm saying with this humongous rant of mine is that what we experience is for a reason! And I am so stinkin' grateful I could go on a mission, and come back, and face my future having learned what I did in Germany! God is so good.

Life is good, life is worthwhile, sometimes we need a little bit of German chocolate to get us through, but in the end it's so worth it!!!

I'll attempt to keep an update on my life and adventures post-mission, and to share with you my own perspective!

Thanks ya'll. Bis Gleich!!

Keep on keeping on!

[Here are some fun snap shots of the glorious reunions I've had in the last month!!]

-Sist-----  Rach. There we go. I'm still practicing. Haha


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Last Letter As Sister Titensor!

Hallo Familie und Freunde,

This last week was such a blessing, we were able to be so busy, and
see small miracles. One of them was as we were on our way to Berlin
this week, we talked with a couple about the gospel for almost the
entire 2 hour trip! They knew a member in the first Ward in Dresden,
and we were able to get their contact information. We also had an
amazing lesson with our recent convert. She had some questions about
things pertaining to after this life, and we had such a spiritual time
finding her answers for her. She has grown and has developed so much
light in these past few months, that it has made everything worth it.
The church is true, it literally changes lives.

On Thursday we received a call that I should be in Berlin the next
day, so that I could have my last interview with President, because he
wouldn't be able to finish them all next week in Freiberg! So, we
bought a ticket and went for a ride! It was such a good last interview
with President, we discussed what the Atonement has meant for me on my
mission, and how I'll take what I've learned into my future. He gave
me a very sweet blessing at the end, and I know that God knows us, our
questions, and our desires, and He has appointed inspired leaders to
carry out His work. :)

The elders in my district have been good this last week at reminding
me how many days I've had until going home, haha. "You have less days
than Missionary pamphlets!" Or, "You have less days than there are
commandments!", "You have less days than there are books in the
standard works!" Haha. Today's comment was, "You have less hours in
Dresden than you do suitcases!"
Yep. Got to love them.

I am so blessed to have been able to share my testimony with the
amazing people of Germany. I know that our Heavenly Father is very
aware of His children, especially here. ;) I know that God lives, that
He knows each of us by name and desires all of us to come unto Him
through Christ. The Book of Mormon is evidence of His love and so is
prayer. And because of Christ and His Atonement for us, I have been
able to change and become more who my Father Heaven sees me as.  I
know this church is the true church on the earth today, and I will
always be proud to say so.
I am so humbled and honored to have worn this special name tag every
day for the last 18 months, it is truly a time I will cherish for the
rest of my life!

Ich weiß dass dieser Kirche von Christus ist, und dass der Himmlischer
Vater Joseph Smith tatsächlich als Prophet berufen hat, um die Kirche
wiederherzustellen. Durch das Sühnopfer Christi können wir täglich
umkehren, uns ändern, und Teil nehmen in Seine Gnade. Das weiß ich
weil ich das erfahren habe, und ich hab gesehen wie es die Leben von
anderen total geändert hat. Warten wir nicht, um die Segnungen der
Ewigkeit zu erlangen- die sind da, wir müssen Christus nur annehmen
und sehen wie Er uns ändern kann.

I love you all, thanks for your support and for your testimonies these
last 18 months!! Never forget your own testimony and how much it means
to you. You never know how you can change others' lives through your
testimony! It has real power!

In Liebe,
Sister Titensor

Feb. 29, 2016

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Monday, January 4, 2016

December 21st

Hallo Meine Lieben!!

This last week went by crazy fast, and we had such a good week- new
investigators, friendships strengthened, less actives coming back-
such a gift of a week!

Tuesday was just awesome- it began with a first lesson with a new
investigator named Lisa, she's such a cool German. Elders last week,
who were here for the day during transfers had gotten her number for
us, and we set up an appointment! When we were there, we asked what
her expectations were, and she said she had none. So, we went with the
classic- we explained the BOM, and the role of faith in our lives.
Once we shared Moroni 10:4-5, she opened up and shard a special
experience to where she felt God had answered her prayers in the past,
just like the scripture said. :) We will meet with her again this
week. And she's totes reading in the BOM too!

Tuesday evening we met with a less active, Mona. She's around our age,
and we connected really quickly! We skyped in another sister in the
mission who served here when she was baptized, so that she'd feel more
comfortable. And it went great, Mona trusts us now, and Im so excited
to see her progress! That evening, her roommate joined in on the
discussion, and is now another new investigator for us!

We met with Ella again this week, she is the girlfriend of one of our
young adults, she is doing SO good! We taught the Word of Wisdom last
week, and she said she would try to follow it, and she did! She said
it actually became easier during the week, and that she feels so much
better now! She was so happy about it, wants to continue to live it.
Oh how I love the gospel.

We also began teaching the mother of Sandra, (who we went to the
temple with last week) and she is amazing. We had a really great
lesson on faith, despite difficulties. We shared the rockin'
"Mountains to Climb" Mormon message, and she loved it and shared how
she believes God is there, no matter what. She said she'll begin
reading in the BOM. :)

With so much going on this week, I also had lots of negative thoughts
and doubts in myself and my missionary work but I know that where
there is more righteousness, there will be more opposition! And I know
we're doing exactly what we're supposed to because the opposition
seems to be increasing as the miracles come in.

I am so grateful for this Christmas time! I hope this week is
beautiful and white for you all! :) Wishing you all a Merry Christmas
from Germany!!

Love you all!!

Sister Titensor

December 14th

Hey Fam and Friends!!

All is well in the beautiful city of Dresden! And I'm kicking it with my new compie, Sister Sandstrom! She is adorable folks, she's from Ogden, Utah. She just graduated high school this year, and has rockin' German, and I honestly feel like she's been out on a mission as long as me already. So.... My 15 months of experience, and she's already there in 5 days- the Lord is preparing His servants even more as the time goes on! :) But I feel like we are already such a good team, so it is going to rock in Dresden!

This last week was a bit of a blur, as I only had about 3 real days in my area, the rest was helping sisters get packed and off to Freiberg by the temple for their last days on the mission, and then hosting a few others who are also training, then running to Freiberg myself to pick up my compie who just got to Germany!

Best part of the week was going to Freiberg on Wednesday! We had a meeting with President Fingerle that night, and got to sleep over in the temple workers' rooms too, which are really quaint. That morning we had breakfast with all the trainees, without yet knowing who our companions would be. Then we all went through an underground tunnel into the temple! I feel so lucky, we all sat in the baptismal room and talked about the power the temple has in our mission work. Pretty great! Even when it's under construction, the temple still has such a powerful feeling. I miss being in the temple!

Then we were assigned our new companions, and it was so great. That same day we had ZTM, and interviews with President.

On our first full day together, I totally forgot an umbrella, and we got soaked out of our minds.... Good thing Sister Sandstrom has an und ending good attitude, and we laughed about it as we tried to talk to people, all wet. Thankfully we didn't catch a cold, and we could get on a warm train an hour later. In between, we talked with a really great lady who ran a flower shop, and said she'll try to come to church! 

Another cool part of this week has been seeing so many sisters, in different stages of their missions. Finishers, sisters of my same MTC group, and then brand new sisters from the MTC! It's made me reflect on what I've learned so far, and how much more I want to and still need to learn. I am so grateful that my mission has gone the way it has- the areas, the companions, the people I've met- and I wouldn't have it any other way! And now I just want to continue to love it as much as I can, and help Sister Sandstrom to have the best beginning of her mission possible.

Thanks for all you do family! I've gotten your Christmas packages, and oh, how I love you all. :) You know me so well! And Mom and Dad, got your Christmas card, it is so classy. :)

Love you all!

In Liebe,

December 7th

Hallo Family and Friends!!

We received transfer calls this week, and as Sister Flake boards a plane to America I will receive a brand new trainee! I'm training again! Ha, oh it will be such a party to train for my last 2 transfers on the mission, I'm so stoked.

Because it was the last week of the transfer, every thing seemed to pile on and we never had enough time or energy it felt like, haha. But it all worked out, as it always does and I have learned a lot this week!

Monday we checked out the Christmas Markets with a recently return missionary from our ward, who paid for our lunch! Which is not cheap by the markets, my friends. Then we had FHE at our Ward Mission Leaders house from Dresden 2. He is from England, but his wife is German, and it is the best combination ever.

We had a really great lesson with an investigator named David, he is good friends though Sandra who was just baptized a month ago. We taught the Plan of Salvation, and it seems to have clicked for him now!

Friday was just..well... A day to learn from. Ha, one of those. I have learned how much love my Father in Heaven has for me, and how dear each of us is to Him, despite our actions or what happens in our lives. He will always forgive us and rebuild us. That evening, we were able to visit less actives with the YW and it was such a success! I felt ....erneuert... I can't think of the English word for the life of me. .. But I came away uplifted that evening.

Saturday we went to Freiberg with Iris and it was awesome! The sisters gave us a "tour", as we looked through pictures of temples and explained why they are so necessary. Iris loved the temple, and feels so uplifted since she has begun coming to church. I can tell she is ready to accept a baptismal date soon! That evening, we went to Sandra's Mom's house, and her mom totally wants in! We will start teaching her next week! Yesssss.

Sunday evening we went to our bishops house and had such a relaxed appointment with them. They are the CUTEST little family, I'll attach a picture. He's like, 30, and bishop of the Ward already!

Thanks for all you do for me family! You are amazing! I hope Christmas is beginning to look as amazing in America as it already does in Germany! If you could pray for my trainee this week, that she will have a good adjustment to the mission, and begin to feel at home, that would be great!

In Liebe,

Sister Titensor

-temple with Iris!

-Bishop Schulze and his family!